Training Tracks

UWMC Montlake

The University of Washington Endocrinology Fellowship offers two different tracks: a Clinical Scholar and Research Scholar track. Each track provides rigorous clinical training and exposure to all Endocrine subspecialties, opportunity for scholarly activity and professional mentorship throughout the program. 

This is unpublished

Clinical Scholar Track 

  • Designed for those trainees who are primarily interested in clinical practice
  • This track provides the clinical experience to succeed in any clinical practice, along with providing opportunities to engage in scholarly work
  • Scholarly work opportunities include: case reports, QI projects, and clinical research projects for presentation at local and national conferences
  • Clinical Scholar fellows work closely with clinical mentors to ensure their success both clinically and academically
  • This track is open to both US Citizens and Visa holders


Research Scholar Track 

  • Provides excellent clinical and research training to prepare fellows for a career in academic endocrinology
  • Inpatient and outpatient clinical training opportunities in the Research Scholar Track align with the Clinical Scholar track
  • This track affords fellows flexibility in their last 2 years of fellowship to pursue research and scholarly activities - with opportunities ranging from a tuition-supported Masters in Public Health to a dedicated experience in basic science research
  • Research Scholar Track fellows work closely with their research mentor(s) during years 2 & 3 to ensure their success in fellowship and beyond
  • At the conclusion of their fellowship training, fellows will have the skills to succeed in careers as physician scientists, clinician educators and other roles in academic medicine
  • Due to NIH funding, this track is only open to US citizens or permanent residents


Which track to choose?

Deciding which track (or tracks!) to apply to is primarily based on your future interests and goals for your fellowship training. You can apply for one or both tracks. 

​Here is some information that may help you decide which is the best fit for you:

How Do the Tracks Differ? 

Duration of training: 
The Clinical Scholars track is 2 years, with the first year dedicated to general endocrinology through continuity clinics and inpatient consults, and the second year focused more on subspecialty training.  The Research Scholars track is 3 years, with the same focus during the first year, and the subspecialty clinics spread out over 2 years of additional training.  

Clinical experience: 

There is no difference in the clinical experiences. Fellows in both tracks will rotate through all of the same clinics. The Research Scholars will do this over 3 years, to provide more dedicated time for scholarly work. 

Opportunities for Scholarly Work: 

Clinical fellows have 20% dedicated time for scholarly work during their 2-year fellowship. They are expected to complete a clinical project and a quality improvement project during their fellowship program. These projects often result in abstract or oral presentations at national meetings. Clinical fellows will often publish case reports or other brief articles based on their clinical experiences.  

Research Scholars are supported by an NIH T32 training grant during years 2 and 3 and have 80% dedicated time for research. During their research years, they will have the opportunity to explore topics of interest in more depth, with the goal of publication of their research prior to graduation. 

What Other Opportunities Exist for Research Fellows? 

Given the additional time for training on the Research track, fellows have the opportunity to engage in additional training during year 2 and 3 of the fellowship. These opportunities include coursework for an MPH, participation in the UW Teaching Scholars program, or obtaining the Certificate in Patient Safety and Quality Improvement.  

Is It Possible to Switch Tracks? 

Yes. If you initially apply to the clinical track, you may switch to the research track if you identify an area of research within the first 6 months of training.  It can be more difficult to switch from the research track to clinical, due to issues of funding but we recognize that situations do change, and will work to accommodate you if this is the case.